All details about the recycle bin items.With help of designed fonts, all the information is presented which includes: It is very lightweight and blends in with the original desktop background image. This is used to convey all the important system information in quite an elegant way. One can also add in weather, time, date widgets as well as change the wallpaper of your choice. With this one can track down many features: Want to upgrade to something minimal? If yes then this is the best one. The 13 Best Rainmeter Skins To Use With Windows 11 Minimalist 2 It is compatible with Windows XP to version 10. To use these you need to have Rainmeter installed on your system. With this users can transform their desktop look completely and can also display a lot of information on their desktop which can be tweaked in many ways thanks to all the countless skins.
This is a desktop customization program that comes for free.